UTCS Graduate Student Wiki
Welcome to the UTCS Graduate Student Wiki. This is a collaborative site that any UTCS graduate student, staff, or faculty member can edit. To make changes, simply log in (link at top of page) with your UTCS login name and password, then press the edit at the bottom of the section you wish to change.
**(This wiki is currently being updated...stay tuned) Do not believe me!!**
New to UTCS?
UT Direct: Links to university-level Web apps. (registration, payroll, etc.)
Academics & Research Tips & Advice
Grad Advice: GAD, GRACS' graduate student research & career advice sessions
Reading Groups: A list of the research reading groups in the department
Administrative Stuff
Insurance: Health insurance – what's available, how to get it, and what to be careful of
Travel policies, procedures, and forms
Life in Austin
Bicycling: On campus & in Austin. (Austin is a “Silver Level Bicycle Friendly Community”.)
Social & Fun Stuff
GradFest: UTCS' annual prospective doctoral student event
Contact GRACS: Prospective and current students: Contact GRACS if you have questions!
GSA: Announcements and updates from the Graduate Students Assembly
Articles in need of contributions
Student Committees: Announcements and updates from graduate student representatives on departmental committees
PhD Q&A: A list of questions – now, the page needs answers
Buying Books: Don't waste money buying new books every semester
CS field-specific advice
Systems Advice: Computer Architecture, Compilers,
OS, Systems & Security
AI: AI, Machine Learning, NLP
UTCS Web sites
GRACS Graduate Representative Association of Computer Sciences
UTCS Direct – links to most UTCS administrative applications or forms
More topics will be added to this sections as they become available. In the meantime, you are also encouraged to add new pages.
This Web site is not an official publication of The University of Texas at Austin and does not represent the views of the university or its officers.
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