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GRACS Executive Committee


Composed of five members, each serving a one-year term of office. Three are elected at the end of the spring semester, and serve from the start of the fall semester. Two are elected at the end of the fall semester, and serve from the start of the spring semester. This “staggered term” scheme provides continuity from semester to semester. Terms of the Executive Committee members begin the week prior to registration in the fall or spring semester following their election.

Any person who is enrolled in a UT computer science graduate program may be nominated by an other person who is enrolled in a UT computer science graduate program.


  1. Oversee the creation, operation, and dissolution of other GRACS committees. The GRACS committees are:
    1. GSA (formerly called COGS) Committee,
    2. Any special Project Committees.
  2. Manage the GRACS budget.
  3. Select three of its members to hold the offices of chair, treasurer, and secretary.

GRACS Offices

Executive Committee Member:: Attend Executive Committee meetings; discuss and vote on Executive Committee matters. Executive Committee Chair:: Moderate discussion and organize meetings. GRACS Treasurer:: Manage GRACS funds as authorized by the Executive Committee. GRACS Secretary:: Publicly distribute announcements and summaries of Executive Committee meetings.

Meetings and Quorum

  • A regular meeting schedule should be agreed.
  • The committee chair or any two members may call a special meeting.
  • More than half of the committee membership constitutes a quorum. (Committee business can be conducted only with a quorum.)

GRACS Internal Administrative

gracs/executive_committee.1461018967.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/18 17:36 by