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Location: ACES 3.116 Time: Wednesdays, 10-11, every other week.

Mailing list: matrix-sai at utlists.utexas


Pradeep Ravikumar et al: High-dimensional covariance estimation by minimizing l_1-penalized log-determinant divergence
Matyas Sustik
This paper contains a good introduction to covariance matrix estimation; the “large p small n case”; the connection to logdet divergence before delving into its main results.

II. Intro to the use of Support graphs in finding preconditioners

Date 24th Feb 2010. 11th Mar 2010
Presenter Pradeep Ravikumar

Reading Material

1. Preconditioners

2. Collection of papers on support-graph preconditioners

I. Preconditioner approximations for probabilistic graphical models

Date 10th Feb 2010.
Presenter vishvAs vAsuki

Reading Material

1. Paper. P. Ravikumar and J. Lafferty. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 18, pages 1113-1120, 2006.

Papers proposed

matrix_and_statistical_ai_reading_group.1269626856.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/03/26 13:07 by