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Business Cards, etc.

UT Business cards

You can order official UT business cards ($30 for a box) via this URL:

Some suggestions for the fields of the business card
Title Something like “Graduate Student” or “Ph.D. Student”.
If you are in Ph.D. candidacy, use “Ph.D. Candidate”.
If you're employed by UT, you can use “Graduate Teaching Assistant”, “Graduate Research Assistant”, or “Assistant Instructor”.
If you have a major fellowship, you may want to use “FellowshipName Fellow”.
Department The full name: “Department of Computer Science”
Address “2317 Speedway”
Address 2 or Mail Code “Stop D9500”
City “Austin”
State “TX”
Zipcode “78712-1757”
Phone Numbers Use hyphens, formatted like “512-555-1234”
E-mail Use your UTCS e-mail or UTmail address.
URL / Twitter Your UTCS Web page: “”, if you have set that up. Use your professional Web site in any case, or your research group's Web site.

E-mail Signature

Of course, you can set your e-mail signature to whatever you want, but if you are looking for something to start with, here is the HTML for UT's official e-mail signature template:

<span style="font-family: Arial, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif; color:rgb(90,109,118);"><b>FIRST NAME LAST NAME</b>, Graduate Student<br/>
<span style="color:rgb(191,87,0);">The University of Texas at Austin</span> | Computer Science | 512-nnn-nnnn |</span>

The entire thing is Arial, color rgb(90,109,118). You name is boldface uppercase. “The University of Texas at Austin” is color rgb(191,87,0).

  • Obviously, replace “FIRST NAME LAST NAME” with your name in all capital letters.
  • You may want to change “Graduate Student” to a more specific title:
    • “Graduate Teaching Assistant”, “Graduate Research Assistant”, or “Assistant Instructor” if you have been hired by UT in one of these titles.
    • FellowshipName Fellow” if you have a major fellowship.
    • “Ph.D. Candidate” if you've reached candidacy.
  • Replace “512-nnn-nnnn” with your phone number, or delete it.

UTCS Web Page

You can create your own Web page on the UTCS Web server. Technical instructions are at URL:

The URL for your UTCS Web page will be , where username is your UTCS login name.

Some UT Web style notes and suggestions:

  • Typefaces:
    • Open Sans for navigation, sub navigation, headlines and subheadlines.
    • Charis SIL for body copy, secondary headlines, quotes and callouts.
  • Color:
    • Primary “Burnt Orange”: #BF5700
    • Secondary: #333F48 , #005F86 , #43695B , #F2A900 , #382F2D , and #D6D2C4
  • Header:
    • I suggest a link to the department and/or UT.
  • Footer:
    • I suggest a copyright like this: “© 2017 Your Name Here”.
    • If you feel like a disclaimer, you can say something like “This Web page is not an official publication of The University of Texas at Austin and does not represent the views of the university or its officers.”
    • A link the department's Web privacy policy:
business_cards.1486586869.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/08 14:47 by jthywiss