Location: ACES 3.116 Time: Wednesdays, 10-11, every other week. Other reading groups: [[reading_groups|Reading Groups]] |Theme | Graph Laplacians and large scale data mining. | ===== Presentation schedule ===== |Paper | [[http://ssli.ee.washington.edu/~bilmes/mypubs/subramanya2009-nipsmp.pdf|Amar Subramanya and Jeff A. Bilmes. Entropic Graph Regularization in Non-Parametric Semi-Supervised Classification. In Neural Information Processing Society (NIPS), Vancouver, Canada, December 2009.]]. | |Presenter | Wei Tang | |Date |21 Apr 2010. | |Paper |N. Halko, P.G. Martinsson, and J.A. Tropp: **Finding structure with randomness** PAPER: http://amath.colorado.edu/faculty/martinss/Pubs/2009_HMT_random_review.pdf SLIDES: http://www2.cse.iitk.ac.in/~fsttcs/2009/wapmds/slides/JoelTropp.pdf | |Proposer |Berkant Savas | |Notes |The paper may be too long (81 pages) to print out but the ideas are very simple. Check the slides first. | |Date | 24 Mar 2010. 7 Apr 2010. | |Paper | [[http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/nicolasl/label_propagation.pdf|Label Propagation and Quadratic Criterion, Yoshua Bengio, Olivier Delalleau, Nicolas Le Roux [Chapter of the book Semi-supervised learning by O. Chapelle, Bernhard Schölkopf and Alexander Zien]]] | |Presenter | Donghyuk Shin | |Date | 3 Mar 2010. | |Paper | [[http://cs.nyu.edu/~fergus/papers/fwt_ssl.pdf|Semi-supervised Learning in Gigantic Image Collections Rob Fergus, Yair Weiss and Antonio Torralba, NIPS 2009.]]. | |Presenter | Nagarajan Natarajan | |Date | 17th Feb 2010. | ---- ===== Papers proposed ===== |Paper | http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~skumar/ens.pdf Ensemble Nystrom Method, Sanjiv Kumar, Mehryar Mohri and Ameet Talwalkar | |Proposer |Zhengdong Lu | |Why? | similar topic as the two other papers from NIPS09 | |Paper |http://www.cbrc.jp/~tsuda/pdf/icml05.pdf Propagating Distributions on a Hypergrap by Dual Information Regularization, Koji Tsuda. ICML05 | |Proposer |Zhengdong Lu | |Why? | A paper on KL-based objective for semi-supervised learning paper. Relevant to the Rob Fergus paper, actually cited by them. I read it years ago and found it interesting. | |Paper |Mark Herbster, Massimiliano Pontil, Sergio Rojas Galeano: **Fast Prediction on a Tree. **657-664 http://books.nips.cc/papers/files/nips21/NIPS2008_0824.pdf | |Proposer |Inderjit Dhillon | |Why? | |