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new_student_orientation [2017/07/05 21:12]
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-====== UTCS New Graduate Student Orientation ====== 
-The department runs a UTCS New Graduate Student Orientation session the week prior to classes in the fall semester. 
-This is usually a morning event, followed by a lunch/​social event open to all UTCS grad students. 
-The department [[graduate_coordinator|Graduate Coordinator]] and GRACS' [[gracs:​new_students_committee|New Students Committee]] jointly organize the event during the summer. 
-GRACS' [[gracs:​new_students_committee|New Students Committee]] needs to: 
-  * Develop an agenda of "​important things new UTCS Master'​s and Ph.D. students should know". 
-  * Find speakers for each agenda item. 
-  * Organize the lunch/​social event that immediately follows the session. 
-GRACS needs to advocate for making the session impactful and useful for new UTCS grad students. 
-It would be easy to fill the session with administriva,​ and in fact this has happened in some years. 
-Keep in mind that **this is the first impression of the UTCS grad program** for the new students. 
-It's important to start with the right focus: namely the "big picture"​ of graduate CS scholarship. 
-===== Potential Agenda Items ===== 
-Here are some agenda items we have presented at recent UTCS New Graduate Student Orientation sessions: 
-  * Welcome from Department Chair 
-  * Welcome from Graduate Adviser 
-  * Academic integrity 
-  * How to be an effective UTCS student 
-  * Get involved with the department (for example, join GRACS, even as a first year) 
-  * A bull session, led by GRACS 
-  * UT Libraries 
-  * The GRACS wiki 
-  * Department staff services and facilities: GDC, gripe, officereq, labs, etc. 
-  * OEA services for grad students (UTCS career services, printing, etc.) 
-  * [[https://​​career-services|Career Services Center]] of the College of Natural Sciences 
-  * UT's [[http://​|Graduate Student Assembly]] 
-  * [[http://​​lss/​|Legal Services for Students]]'​s //Student Information Guide// 
-  * "That really awkward hygiene discussion":​ North American conventions for bathing and fresh clothing. ​ "​Americans will back away from and not befriend or do business with people who smell bad." We've had problems with this is past years. 
-Some of these items are a bit too "​administrival",​ so in some years, GRACS has put together a "​online supplement"​ (on this wiki) to the session that included the more trivial matters, in order to keep the focus on the important topics. 
-When developing the agenda, look at the [[https://​​orientation|Graduate School'​s orientation session]]'​s agenda, and avoid overlap in content. 
-===== Social Event ===== 
-In the past few years, we've organized a pizza-and-games event at the Union Underground in the Texas Union. 
new_student_orientation.1499307121.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/07/05 21:12 by jthywiss