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graduate_student_employment [2007/01/26 17:56]
graduate_student_employment [2013/08/24 22:07] (current)
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-Describe Graduate Student Employment here.+====== Insurance ====== 
 +[[Insurance|Insurance differences between TAs and RAs, and how to avoid getting screwed.]]
 ====== Teaching Assistantships ====== ====== Teaching Assistantships ======
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 ====== Research Assistantships ====== ====== Research Assistantships ======
-(This section is in need of contributions)+Check out [[https://​​|Hire a Longhorn!]] for many relevant job listings. 
 +====== Fellowships ====== 
 +| Name | Date | Website | GPA | Demographics | Duration | Stipend | Tuition | Medical Ins. | Misc | Other Notes | Subject |  
 +| Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund | Jan | [[http://​​grantmaker/​liebmann/​]] |  | US Citizen |  | $18K | Yes |  |  | Publications focusing on Armenian studies. | Humanities, social sciences or natural sciences ​(including law, medicine, engineering,​ architecture or other formal professional training) |  
 +| Department of Homeland Security Graduate Fellowship | Jan | [[http://​​dhsed]] |  | Not held in 2012 due to budget cuts |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  
 +| A.D. Hutchison Student Endowment Fellowship | Jan | [[http://​​ogs/​funding/​fellowships/​continuing]] | 3.0+ | UT enrollment | 9 months | $20K+ | Yes | Yes |  |  |  |  
 +| Donald D. Harrington Endowment Doctoral Fellowship | Jan | [[http://​​ogs/​funding/​fellowships/​harrington/​]] | 3.0+ | Not a current or past grad student at UT, doctoral degree applicants | 1 or 3 years | $36K | Yes | Yes | $2000 |  |  |  
 +| Donald D. Harrington Endowment Dissertation Fellowship | Jan | [[http://​​ogs/​funding/​fellowships/​harrington/​]] | 3.0+ | UT enrollment | 12 months | $36K | Yes | Yes | $2000 |  |  |  
 +| Houston Endowment President'​s Excellence Scholarship | Jan | [[http://​​ogs/​funding/​fellowships/​continuing]] | 3.0+ | UT enrollment | 9 months | $20K+ | Yes | Yes |  |  |  |  
 +| W. Gordon Whaley Fellowship | Jan | [[http://​​ogs/​funding/​fellowships/​continuing]] | 3.0+ | UT enrollment | 9 months | $20K+ | Yes | Yes |  |  |  |  
 +| Other UT continuing fellowships [Homer Lindsay Bruce Endowed Graduate Fellowships,​ Sidney Chandler Endowed Scholarships,​ William W. and Ruth F. Cooper Graduate Student Support Endowment, Cullen Trust Student Endowment Fellowships,​ Delco Graduate Fellowship Fund, Marye Anne Fox Fellowships,​ Wendall C. Gordon Endowed Graduate Fellowships,​ Hemphill-Gillmore Fellowship, W. H. Hildebrand Scholarship Fund, William S. Livingston Graduate Fellowship, Miller Graduate Fellowships,​ Moody Graduate Fellowships,​ Ralph Nelson Graduate Fellowships,​ William C. Powers Graduate Fellowship] | Jan | [[http://​​ogs/​funding/​fellowships/​continuing]] | 3.0+ | UT enrollment | 9 months | $20K+ | Yes | Yes |  |  |  |  
 +| IBM Goldstine Fellowship | Jan | [[http://​​goldstine/​]] |  | Either received a Ph.D. degree after September 2008 or should expect to receive one before the fellowship commences in the second half of 2013 (usually in September) | 12 months | $95K to $115K | No | No |  |  | Algorithms (approximation,​ randomized, and on-line); complex systems; data mining (machine learning, pattern recognition,​ computational statistics);​ dynamical systems; high-performance computing (scientific computing, parallel computing, big-data); inverse problems; numerical analysis; optimization (discrete, continuous, global and stochastic);​ probability theory (stochastic models, risk management, queues & queuing networks); statistics (time-series,​ multivariate analysis, spatiotemporal analysis, design & reliability);​ simulation; and operations management (revenue management, pricing, performance modelling, supply-chain) |  
 +| National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Jan | [[https://​​]] |  | US Citizen, in final year of undergrad or less than 2 years of grad studies | 36 months | About $30K / year | Yes | $1000 |  |  | Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering,​ Biosciences,​ Chemical Engineering,​ Chemistry, Civil Engineering,​ Cognitive / Neural / Behavioral Sciences, Computer and Computational Sciences, Electrical Engineering,​ Geosciences,​ Materials Science and Engineering,​ Mathematics,​ Mechanical Engineering,​ Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering,​ Oceanography,​ Physics |  
 +| Knowles Science Teaching Foundation Fellowship | Jan | [[http://​​teaching_fellowships_home.aspx]] |  | Intended for individuals committed to teaching high school mathematics,​ physical sciences or biological sciences |  | Yes | $18000 |  |  |  |  |  
 +| Sigma Delta Epsilon Graduate Women in Science Fellowship | Jan | [[http://​​]] |  | Member of SDE/GWIS | 12 months | | | |  |  |  
 +| Google Anita Borg Scholarship | Jan | [[http://​​anitaborg/​us/​]] | 3.5+ | Female student entering her senior year of undergraduate study or be enrolled in a graduate program | 12 months | | | |  | Computer Science or Computer Engineering program |  
 +| Link Foundation Advanced Simulation and Training Fellowship | Jan | [[http://​​link_foundation.htm]] |  | Advanced to candidacy |  | $21.5K | From university, as condition of fellowship |  | $3500 |  |  |  
 +| AT&T Labs Fellowship | Jan | http://​,​ http://​​export/​sites/​att_labs/​techdocs/​TD-6XZNR8.doc| ​ | US Citizens and Permanent Residents | 36 months |  |  |  |  |  |  |  
 +| Intel Foundation Fellowship | Feb | [[http://​​education/​highered/​studentprograms/​fellowship.htm]] |  | Within eighteen months of graduation | 12 months | Yes | Yes |  | Travel |  | Hardware Systems Technology and Design, Semiconductor Technology and Manufacturing,​ Software Technology and Design, Social Research and Ethnography |  
 +| NVIDIA Fellowship | Feb | [[http://​​page/​fellowship_programs.html]] |  | Completed first year of study |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  
 +| George H. Mitchell Award of Excellence in Graduate Research | Mar | [[http://​​ogs/​awards/​coop/​]] |  | UT enrollment |  | | | |  |  |  
 +| Graduate School Diversity Recruitment Fellowship | Mar | [[http://​​ogs/​funding/​fellowships/​diversity_recruit/​]] | 3.0+ | Incoming grad students, US Citizen or Permanent Resident | 9 months |  | Yes | Yes |  |  |  |  
 +| McNair Scholars Graduate School Fellowship | Mar | [[http://​​ogs/​funding/​fellowships/​diversity_recruit/​]] | 3.0+ | McNair scholar undergrad, incoming grad students, US Citizen or Permanent Resident | 9 months |  | Yes | Yes |  |  |  |  
 +| South Texas Graduate School Fellowship | Mar | [[http://​​ogs/​funding/​fellowships/​diversity_recruit/​]] | 3.0+ | Attended one of South Texas schools, Incoming grad students, US Citizen or Permanent Resident | 9 months |  | Yes | Yes |  |  |  |  
 +| West Texas Graduate School Fellowship | Mar | [[http://​​ogs/​funding/​fellowships/​diversity_recruit/​]] | 3.0+ | Attended one of West Texas schools, Incoming grad students, US Citizen or Permanent Resident | 9 months |  | Yes | Yes |  |  |  |  
 +| William S. Livingston Outstanding Graduate Student Academic Employee Award | Mar | [[http://​​ogs/​awards/​livingston/​]] |  | UT enrollment, TA/AI/GRA |  | | | |  |  |  
 +| Graduate School Outstanding Dissertation Award | Mar | [[http://​​ogs/​awards/​dissertation/​]] |  | Dissertation work |  | | | |  |  |  
 +| Graduate School Outstanding Master'​s Thesis/​Report Award | Mar | [[http://​​ogs/​awards/​thesis/​]] |  | Thesis work |  | | | |  |  |  
 +| Google Hispanic College Fund Scholarship | Mar | [[http://​​support/​jobs/​bin/​​page=students.html&​sid=...]] | 3.0+ | Hispanic background, US Citizen or Permanent Resident |  | | | |  | Computer Science or Computer Engineering degree, or a degree in a closely related field (such as Software Engineering) |  
 +| CNS Summer Research Abroad Scholarship | Mar | [[http://​​academics/​international-study/​research-abroad]] |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  
 +| Ex-Students Association Flying Longhorns Study Abroad Scholarship | Mar | [[http://​​student/​abroad/​funding/​ut_scholarships.html]] |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  
 +| Texas Ex Study Abroad Scholarship | Mar | [[http://​​student/​abroad/​funding/​ut_scholarships.html]] |  |  |  | | | |  |  |  
 +| AAUW Austin Branch Fellowship | Mar | [[http://​​special-projects/​fellowships/​]] | 3.5+ | Female, Doctoral candidate, UT enrollment |  | | | |  |  |  
 +| CNS Out-of-State Tuition Waivers | Apr | [[http://​​honors/​scholarships-fellowships/​prospective-student-scholarships/​out-of-state-tuition-waivers]] |  | UT CNS enrollment + another scholorship with specific constraints |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  
 +| CNS Common Application for scholarships | Apr | [[https://​​cns/​scholap/​]] |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  
 +| UT Common Application for continuing and transfer students | Apr | [[http://​​apply/​continuing/​CSA.html]] |  | US Citizen |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  
 +| Google United Negro College Fund Scholarship | Apr | [[http://​​sections/​ForStudents/​SS_Scholarships/​scholarships.asp]] |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  
 +| Google AISES Scholarship | Jun | [[http://​​what/​programs/​scholarships/​info/​googlescholars]] | 3.0+ | American Indian / Alaska Native / Native Hawaiian, UT enrollment, member of AISES |  | | | |  | Computer Science or Computer Engineering |  
 +| ACM/IEEE CS High Performance Computing PhD Fellowship | Sep | [[http://​​sites/​default/​files/​SC12GeorgeMichaelFellowship2.pdf]] |  |  |  | | | | Travel and registration for SC conference, presentation opportunity |  |  
 +| Google AISES Travel Scholarship | Sep | [[http://​​nationalconference/​travel]] | 3.0+ | American Indian tribe / Alaska Native / Native Hawaiian / First Nation, UT enrollment, AISES membership |  |  |  |  |  | To cover some of the expenses for selected students to attend the AISES National Conference |  |  
 +| National Academies Christine Mirzayan Policy Fellowship | Sep | [[http://​​grantprograms.html]] |  |  | 12 weeks | $8240 |  |  |  | To attend a 12-week fellowship "​program"​ on science policy | Social/​behavioral science, medical/​health discipline, physical or biological science, any field of engineering,​ law/​business/​publi administration |  
 +| Southern Association of Colleges and Employers Research Fellowship | Sep | [[http://​​research_fellowship.php]] |  | SoACE member |  | | | |  |  |  
 +| Mexican American Engineers and Scientists Scholarship | Sep | [[http://​​program-item/​maes-scholarships/​]] | 2.0+ | US Citizen or Permanent Resident |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  
 +| ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award | Sep | [[http://​​html/​dda.cfm]] |  | Defended dissertation |  | | | |  |  |  
 +| SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engineering | Sep | [[http://​​prizes/​sponsored/​cse.php]] |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  
 +| International Education Fee Scholarship | Oct | [[http://​​abroad/​funding/​scholarships/​iefs]] |  |  |  | | | |  |  |  
 +| Dr. Ivy McQuiddy Scholarship | Oct | [[http://​​abroad/​funding/​scholarships/​ut]] |  | Going for the full academic year to non traditional locations |  | | | |  |  |  
 +| Marshall Scholarship | Oct | [[http://​​]] | 3.7+ | US Citizen |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  
 +| Rhodes Scholarship | Oct | [[http://​​]] |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  
 +| Winston Churchill Memorial Trust | Oct | [[http://​​]] |  | British Citizenship |  |  |  |  |  | Return airfare, daily living, insurance, travel within the countries being visited and, in exceptional cases, some assistance with home expenses |  |  
 +| Sigma XI Scientific Research Society Grants-in-Aid of Research | Oct | [[http://​​programs/​giar/​]] |  |  |  | | | |  |  |  
 +| Gates Cambridge Scholarship | Oct | [[http://​​about/​]] |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | To pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject available at the University of Cambridge |  |  
 +| Microsoft Research and Live Labs PhD Fellowship | Oct | [[http://​​en-us/​collaboration/​awards/​apply-us.aspx]] |  | Third and fourth year of PhD | 24 months | $28K | Yes |  | $4000 |  |  |  
 +| Microsoft Research Graduate Women'​s Scholarship | Oct | [[http://​​en-us/​collaboration/​awards/​fellows-women.aspx]] |  | Female, second year of PhD | 12 months | | | |  |  |  
 +| Hertz Foundation Fellowship | Oct | [[http://​​dx/​Fellowships/​]] |  | US Citizen or Permanent Resident | Varies | $31K or $36K | Yes |  |  |  | Aeronautics/​Astronautics,​ Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Applied Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,​ Computer Science and Engineering,​ Earth and Geo Sciences, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil and Nuclear Engineering,​ Materials Science, Quantitative Biology and Bio-Engineering |  
 +| IBM Fellowship | Oct | [[https://​​developerworks/​university/​phdfellowship/​]] |  | UT enrollment, completed at least one year of PhD | 12 months | Yes |  |  |  |  | Computer science and engineering (including cyber security and cloud computing), electrical and mechanical engineering,​ physical sciences (including chemistry, material sciences, and physics), mathematical sciences (including analytics of massive scale data with uncertainty,​ operations research, and optimization),​ public sector and business sciences (including urban policy and analytics, social technologies , learning systems and natural language understanding),​ and service science, management, and engineering (SSME). |  
 +| AAUW Eleanor Roosevelt Fund Award | Nov | [[http://​​learn/​awards/​erfund.cfm]] |  |  |  | | | | Broad range of activities including classroom teaching, education and research, and legal and legislative work in equality and education for women and girls |  |  
 +| Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans | Nov | [[http://​​]] |  | US Citizen / Permanent Resident, Early in the grad program | 24 months | | | |  |  |  
 +| National Physical Science Consortium Fellowship | Nov |  |  | US Citizen |  | lasting for up to six years; providing a $20,000 annual stipend; covering tuition; allowing a fellow also to hold a research or teaching assistantship;​ including one or two paid summer internships with a government agency; |  |  |  | emphasizing recruitment of a diverse applicant pool including women and minorities | physical sciences and related engineering fields |  
 +| NSF Graduate Research Fellowship | Nov | [[http://​​]] |  | US Citizen / Permanent Resident, first year of grad studies | 36 months | $30K | $12000 |  |  |  |  |  
 +| Ford Foundation Diversity Predoctoral Fellowship | Nov | [[http://​​PGA/​FordFellowships/​PGA_047958]] |  | US Citizen | 36 months | $20K | $2000 |  | Expenses to at least one Ford conference |  |  |  
 +| AAUW Dissertation Fellowship | Nov | [[http://​​learn/​fellowships_grants/​american.cfm]] |  | Female, US Citizen / Permanent Resident, completing their dissertation | 12 months | $20K | None |  |  | Open to applicants in all fields of study. Scholars engaged in science, technology, engineering,​ and math and researching gender issues are especially encouraged to apply. |  |  
 +| Graduate Education for Minorities (GEM) Fellowships | Nov | [[http://​​gem-fellowship]] |  |  | 12 monts | $16K | Yes |  |  | Minimum one paid summer internship |  |  
 +| Ford Foundation Diversity Dissertation Fellowship | Nov | [[http://​​PGA/​FordFellowships/​PGA_047959]] |  | US Citizen, expecting to complete dissertation during the academic year | 12 months | $21K |  |  |  | Expenses paid to attend one Conference of Ford Fellows |  |  
 +| Schlumberger Faculty for the Future | Nov | [[http://​​]] |  | Female, Citizen of a developing country, PhD enrollment | 12 months | | | |  |  |  
 +| AAUW International Fellowships | Dec | [[http://​​]] |  | Female, not a US Citizen / Permanent Resident | 12 months | | | |  |  |  
 +| Gaius Charles Bolin Dissertation Fellowship | Dec | [[http://​​graduate-fellowships-2/​graduate-fellowships/​]] |  | US Citizen / Permanent Resident, must have completed all doctoral work except dissertation | 12 months | $36K |  | Yes | $4000 | Also relocation and housing assistance, academic support including office space and a computer. During the period of residence at Williams, the Bolin Fellows will be affiliated with an appropriate department or program and will be expected to teach one one-semester course each year, normally in the fall semester of year one and the spring semester of year two. |  |  
 +| Graduate School Professional Development Awards (Travel Awards) | Dec | [[http://​​ogs/​funding/​travel.html]] |  | UT enrollment |  | | | |  |  |  
 +| Graduate School Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award | Dec | [[http://​​ogs/​awards/​teaching/​]] |  |  |  | | | |  |  |  
 +| Symantec Fellowship | Dec | [[http://​​about/​careers/​college/​fellowship.jsp]] |  | Grad enrollment |  | Max $20K |  |  |  |  |  |  
 +| Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship for Service | Dec | [[http://​​smart]] |  | US citizen; willing to accept post-graduate employment with the DoD |  | $25,000 - $38,000 depending on degree pursuing; up to 5 years |  |  |  | No outside funding allowed, TA only if directly related | Science, Technology, Engineering,​ and Mathematics (STEM|  
 ====== Information for New Employees ====== ====== Information for New Employees ======
 * [[http://​​hr/​orientation/​new_employee.html|New Employee Checklist]]:​ This page is designed as a "​one-stop-shop"​ to assist new employees with the various steps that need to be completed within your first month of employment. * [[http://​​hr/​orientation/​new_employee.html|New Employee Checklist]]:​ This page is designed as a "​one-stop-shop"​ to assist new employees with the various steps that need to be completed within your first month of employment.
graduate_student_employment.1169855788.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/01/26 17:56 by