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-====== GAD Plan for 2011-2012 ====== +====== ​Graduate Advice Day (GAD) ====== 
-===== September 30, 2011 =====+ 
 +Graduate Advice Days (GADs) are presentations by faculty, students, and guests that provide current UTCS graduate students with career advice, such as: 
 +  * Completing the graduate program 
 +  * Performing research 
 +  * Finding a job 
 +  * Living life as a UTCS graduate 
 +GADs are usually be held on the last Friday of this month, immediately prior to TGIF. 
 +Slides or recordings of GAD presentations are posted on the [[research_career_advice|Research & Career Advice]] page. 
 +===== Previous Years' GAD Adgendas ===== 
 +==== 2015-2016 Academic Year ===
 +=== December 2, 2015 === 
 +  * Topic: How to find an advisor 
 +  * Informal session 
 +==== 2013-2014 Academic Year ==== 
 +=== January 29, 2014 === 
 +  * Topic: Resume Workshop 
 +  * Speaker(s); Melanie Pearce, UT College of Natural Sciences, Career Design Center 
 +=== September ​27, 2013 === 
 +  * Topic: Planning Your Research 
 +  * Speaker(s); Prof. Ray Mooney, UTCS 
 +==== 2012-2013 Academic Year ==== 
 +=== April 26, 2013 === 
 +  * Topic: Tips for Teaching 
 +  * Speaker(s): Prof. Calvin Lin and Prof. Lorenzo Alvisi, UTCS 
 +=== January 25, 2013 === 
 +  * Topic: Preparing for Academia 
 +  * Speaker(s): Prof. Kristen Grauman, UTCS 
 +=== November ​30, 2012 === 
 +  * Topic: Paper writing 
 +  * Speaker: William Cook 
 +  * Time/Place: 3:00-4:00pm PAI 3.14 
 +=== October 26, 2012 === 
 +  * Topic: Acing your RPE 
 +  * Speaker: Don Fussell 
 +  * Time/Place: 3:00-4:00pm PAI 3.14 
 +=== September 28th, 2012 === 
 +  * Topic: Fellowships 
 +  * Speaker: Panel discussion 
 +  * Time/Place: 3:00-4:00pm PAI 3.14 
 +==== 2011-2012 Academic Year ==== 
 +=== September 30, 2011 ===
   * Topic: Finding and Obtaining Fellowships and Grants   * Topic: Finding and Obtaining Fellowships and Grants
   * Speaker(s): Previous Fellowship Recipients?   * Speaker(s): Previous Fellowship Recipients?
   * Time/Place: 3:00-4:00pm PAI 3.14   * Time/Place: 3:00-4:00pm PAI 3.14
-===== October 28, 2011 =====+=== October 28, 2011 ===
   * Topic: Research in Industrial Labs vs. Academia   * Topic: Research in Industrial Labs vs. Academia
   * Speaker(s): TACC?  IBM Austin Lab, MSR   * Speaker(s): TACC?  IBM Austin Lab, MSR
   * Time/Place: 3:00-4:00pm ACES 2.402   * Time/Place: 3:00-4:00pm ACES 2.402
-===== November 18, 2011 ===== +=== November 18, 2011 === 
-  * Topic: Inter-Disciplinary Research +  * Topic: Inter-Disciplinary Research ​with Real-World Applications 
-  * Speaker(s): ​Someone from TACC?, ​Tandy Warnow?+  * Speaker(s): Tandy Warnow? Risto
   * Time/Place: 3:00-4:00pm   * Time/Place: 3:00-4:00pm
-===== January 27, 2012 =====+=== January 27, 2012 ===
   * Topic: Preparing your Resume/CV OR Interviewing Skills (coding)   * Topic: Preparing your Resume/CV OR Interviewing Skills (coding)
   * Speaker(s):   * Speaker(s):
   * Time/Place: 3:00-4:00pm   * Time/Place: 3:00-4:00pm
-No GAD in February because of [[:​gradfest|GradFest]]+==== 2010-2011 Academic Year ====
-===== March 302012 ===== +| 24 Sep 2010 | Fellowships | Prof. van de GeijnBryan Marker | 
-  * Topic +| 22 Oct 2010 | Advisors -- Finding and Managing Them | Panel:  ​Donald Fussell, Peter Djeu, and Don Porter| 
-  * Speaker(s): +| 28 Jan 2011 | Preparing your PhD proposal | Graduate students, including Eric and Jeremy | 
-  * Time/Place: 3:00-4:00pm+| 25 Mar 2011 | Writing Papers | Mike Dahlin | 
 +| 29 April 2011 | Finding an Academic Position | Kathryn McKinley |
-===== April 27, 2012 ===== +==== 2009-2010 Academic Year ====
-  * Topic:  +
-  * Speaker(s):​ +
-  * Time/Place: 3:00-4:00pm+
-====== GAD Topics ======+| 30 Apr 2010 | Research Funding (Prof. W. Hunt) | 
 +| 26 Mar 2010 | Conference Talks & Networking (Profs. P. Stone and C. Lin) | 
 +| 05 Mar 2010 | Tools for Becoming an Excellent Researcher | 
 +| 29 Jan 2010 | Internships -- Industrial and Research (Prof. R. van de Geijn) | 
 +| 25 Sep 2009 | Fellowships |
-Here are topics that have been suggested for Graduate Advising Day.  Add your thoughts! Simply [[doku.php?​id=graduate_advice_day&​do=login|log in]] and [[doku.php?​id=graduate_advice_day&​do=edit|edit]].+==== 2008-2009 Academic Year ====
 +=== Feb 6 @ ACES 2.402 ===
 +  * 9:00 am - //We want you to succeed!// J Strother Moore
 +  * 9:15 am - //Job and internship interview questions to ask and expect//, Kathryn S McKinley
 +  * 9:45 am - //​Practicum:​ Practice interviewing with your peers.//
 +  * 10:15 am - //Break//
 +  * 10:30 am - //Panel led discussion: What I wish I had done in graduate school and the best thing I did do//, Mike Walfish & Brent Waters
 +  * 11:30 am - //​Networking//,​ Adam Klivans
 +  * 12:00 pm - //Lunch & Practicum: Give an elevator talk.// Come prepared to describe your research to a student outside your research area.
 +  * 1:00 am - //Looking back, peering ahead//, Rama Kotla, Microsoft Research (UT PhD 2008)
 +  * 1:30 pm - //​Practicum:​ Curriculum vitae swap.// Bring your CV. You will exchange with a student outside your research area.
 +  * 2:00 pm - //I speak pretty now//, Kristen Grauman
 +  * 2:30 pm - //Break//
 +  * 3:00 pm - //​Interdisciplinary research//, Luay Nakhleh, Assistant Professor, Rice University (UT PhD 2004)
 +  * 3:30 pm - //On writing well//, William Cook
 +  * 4:00 pm - //​Practicum:​ writing swap.// Bring a one to two page writing sample, such as the abstract and introduction of a work in progress, your research statement, or a paper critique. You will exchange with a student outside your research area.
 +  * 4:45 pm - //​Evaluation://​ Fill out web evaluation form.
 +==== 2007-2008 Academic Year ====
 +==== 2006-2007 Academic Year ====
 +UTCS Graduate Advice Day, Feb 23, 2007
 +  * Overview & What we are doing to help you succeed, J Moore, Department Chair
 +  * Communication Skills, Adam Klivans
 +  * Panel: What Will I Do When I Graduate? (Praveen Yalagandula,​ HP; Dave Moriarty, Apple; Seth Pettie, University of Michigan -- all UT PhD grads)
 +  * Managing Your Advisor, Keshav Pingali
 +  * Panel: Tools and Advice for AI, Systems, & Theory Research (Ned Dimitrov, Mike Bond, Shimon Whiteson -- all UT PhD students)
 +  * Advice on Applying and Interviewing for Jobs, Steve Keckler
 +  * Panel: Work-Life Balance (Adam Brown, PhD student; Emmett Witchell, assistant prof; Kathryn McKinley, prof)
 +==== 2005-2006 Academic Year ====
 +UTCS Graduate Student Advice Day, May 11, 2006
 +  * Overview & What we are doing to help you succeed, J Moore, Department Chair
 +  * Starting a research career & picking an advisor, Emery Berger, Assistant Prof at UMass (UT graduate)
 +  * What your advisor can do for you & managing your advisor, Doug Burger, Associate Professor
 +  * Communication skills - I speek pretty now, Mike Dahlin, Associate Professor
 +  * Networking, Pete Manolios, Assistant Professor at Georgia Tech (UT graduate)
 +  * What it takes to land academic interviews & how to create it, - Kathryn McKinley, Professor
 +  * Preparing for an academic interview, Karu Sankaralingam,​ Graduate Student
 +  * What I did right, what I would change, & other general advice, Long Huang, Graduate Student
 +  * What I did right, what I would change, & other general advice, JP Martin, Graduate Student
 +===== GAD Topics =====
 +Here are topics that have been suggested for Graduate Advising Day.  Add your thoughts! Simply log in and edit this section.
   * Selecting exciting research projects   * Selecting exciting research projects
Line 65: Line 172:
   * Interdisciplinary research   * Interdisciplinary research
   * Strategies for finishing   * Strategies for finishing
-====== Previous Years' GADs ====== 
-  * 2010-2011 
-| 24 Sep 2010 | Fellowships | Prof. van de Geijn, Bryan Marker | | 
-| 22 Oct 2010 | Advisors -- Finding and Managing Them | Panel: ​ Donald Fussell, Peter Djeu, and Don Porter| | 
-| 28 Jan 2011 | Preparing your PhD proposal | Graduate students, including Eric and Jeremy | | 
-| 25 Mar 2011 | Writing Papers | Mike Dahlin | [[https://​​~gracs/​events/​|recording]] | 
-| 29 April 2011 | Finding an Academic Position | Kathryn McKinley | [[https://​​~gracs/​events/​|recording]] | 
-  * Older 
-| 30 Apr 2010 | Research Funding (Prof. W. Hunt) | 
-| 26 Mar 2010 | Conference Talks & Networking (Profs. P. Stone and C. Lin) | 
-| 05 Mar 2010 | Tools for Becoming an Excellent Researcher | 
-| 29 Jan 2010 | Internships -- Industrial and Research (Prof. R. van de Geijn) | 
-| 25 Sep 2009 | Fellowships [[https://​​~leners/​gad.pdf|slides]] | 
-| 2009 Spring | See [[research_career_advice|Grad Advice]] page | 
-| 2007 Spring | See [[research_career_advice|Grad Advice]] page | 
-| 2006 Spring | See [[research_career_advice|Grad Advice]] page | 
-//Update by [[doku.php?​id=graduate_advice_day&​do=login|signing in] (or [[doku.php?​id=graduate_advice_day&​do=register|registering]]) and [[doku.php?​id=graduate_advice_day&​do=edit|editing this page]].// 
graduate_advice_day.1318886938.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/10/17 16:28 by