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grades [2017/03/18 23:57]
jthywiss created
grades [2017/03/19 00:15] (current)
jthywiss [Meaning of the Credit/No Credit Grades] Add note that use of CR/NC courses is limited
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 ====== Course Grades ====== ====== Course Grades ======
 +| :!: **Caution:​** This is unofficial advice from fellow grad students, and not official department policy. See the [[https://​​graduate-program|UTCS Graduate Program]] web site for the final word on policy topics. |
 ===== Grading Bases: Letter Grade, Credit/No Credit ===== ===== Grading Bases: Letter Grade, Credit/No Credit =====
Line 19: Line 20:
 ^ A  |  4.00  | ::: | ::: | ^ A  |  4.00  | ::: | ::: |
 ^ A- |  3.67  | ::: | ::: | ^ A- |  3.67  | ::: | ::: |
-^ B+ |  3.33  | ::: | Below min average for diversity/​depth courses |+^ B+ |  3.33  | ::: | Below minimum required ​average for diversity/​depth courses |
 ^ B  |  3.00  | ::: | ::: | ^ B  |  3.00  | ::: | ::: |
 ^ B- |  2.67  | Not usable as depth course | Warning/​dismissal/​no degree | ^ B- |  2.67  | Not usable as depth course | Warning/​dismissal/​no degree |
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 A "​B-"​ is a major crisis. A "​B-"​ is a major crisis.
 A "​C+"​ or worse is potentially fatal to your UT career. A "​C+"​ or worse is potentially fatal to your UT career.
 +===== Meaning of the Credit/No Credit Grades =====
 +"​CR"​ means the course was successfully completed.
 +"​NC"​ means the course was //not// successfully completed.
 +Both "​CR"​ and "​NC"​ have no impact on your GPA.
 +However, there are extensive restrictions about which degree program requirements can be fulfilled with credit/no credit courses.
 +See the UTCS Graduate Program web pages for these rules.
 ===== Importance ===== ===== Importance =====
grades.1489899429.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/03/18 23:57 by jthywiss