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gracs:project_committees [2013/04/23 21:55] converted to 1.6 markup
gracs:project_committees [2017/01/28 08:53] (current)
jthywiss [Meetings and Quorum] Add note about the GRACS calendar
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   * Project committees don't have a pre-established meeting schedule, they can set their own.   * Project committees don't have a pre-established meeting schedule, they can set their own.
   * The committee chair (if one is named) or any two members may call a meeting.   * The committee chair (if one is named) or any two members may call a meeting.
 +  * Post meeting times and places on the GRACS calendar (see [[gracs:​communication|communication]])
   * More than half of the committee membership constitutes a quorum. ​ (Committee business can be conducted only with a quorum.)   * More than half of the committee membership constitutes a quorum. ​ (Committee business can be conducted only with a quorum.)
 ---- ----
-[[gracs:​|GRACS Internal ​Administrative]] +**//​See ​[[gracs:​|GRACS Internal ​Start Page]] for more GRACS administrative topics.//**
gracs/project_committees.1366772140.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/04/23 21:55 by