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gracs:budget:budget_2017 [2017/08/25 17:27]
jthywiss created from 30 Nov 2016 e-mail
gracs:budget:budget_2017 [2017/08/25 17:40] (current)
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 01 Sep 2016 to 31 Aug 2017 01 Sep 2016 to 31 Aug 2017
-Revised ​30 Nov 2016+Revised ​13 Apr 2017
 ^  Activity ​ ^  Expense Types  ^  Date  ^  Participants ^  Cost  ^ ^  Activity ​ ^  Expense Types  ^  Date  ^  Participants ^  Cost  ^
 ^ Academic Events ^^^^^ ^ Academic Events ^^^^^
-| Graduate Advice Day | Snacks, Coffee | September 2016 | 20 | 80 | +| Graduate Advice Day | Snacks, Coffee | September 2016 |  20 |  80 | 
-| Graduate Advice Day | Snacks, Coffee | November 2016 | 20 | 80 | +| Graduate Advice Day | Snacks, Coffee | November 2016 |  20 |  80 | 
-| Graduate Advice Day | Snacks, Coffee | March 2017 | 20 | 80 | +| New student orientation 2017 | Venue Rental, Food | Aug 2017 |  30 |  500 | 
-| New student orientation 2017 | Venue Rental, Food | Aug 2017 | 30 | 500 | +|   = //Total Academic Events// ||||    ​660 | 
-|   = //Total Academic Events// ||||    ​740 |+^ Amenities ^^^^^ 
 +| Emergency Care | First Aid Box, Sanitary Napkins | | |  30 | 
 +|   = //Total Amenities// ||||    30 |
 ^ Social Events ^^^^^ ^ Social Events ^^^^^
-| Grad tea time | Snacks, Donuts | Weekly | 40+/week | 3300 | +| Grad tea time | Snacks, Donuts | Weekly |  40+/week |  3300 | 
-| Evening in Austin-I | Snacks, Soft Drinks | September 2016 | 20 | 100 | +| Evening in Austin-I | Snacks, Soft Drinks | September 2016 |  20 |  100 | 
-| Evening in Austin-II | Snacks, Soft Drinks | November 2016 | 20 | 100 | +| Evening in Austin-II | Snacks, Soft Drinks | November 2016 |  20 |  100 | 
-| Hike | Snacks, Water | October 2016 | 20 | 50 | +| Hike | Snacks, Water | October 2016 |  20 |  50 | 
-Board game night | Food, Soft Drinks ​| February 2017 | 30 | 220 | +Karaoke Night | Food, Soft Drinks, ​Equipment Rental ​| March 2017 |  30 |  ​200 ​
-| Evening in Austin-III | SnacksSoft Drinks | February 2017 | 20 | 100 | +Board Games/Movie Night Food, Soft Drinks | April 2017 |  ​0 ​ ​0 ​
-| Movie night | Snacks, Soft Drinks ​| March 2017 | 30 | 100 +| End of year party | Food, Soft Drinks | May 2017 |  ​50 ​ ​600 ​
-Evening in Austin-IV ​Snacks, Soft Drinks | April 2017 | 20 100 +|  = //Total Social Events// ||||  ​4350 
-| End of year party | Food, Soft Drinks | April 2017 | 40 350 +|  = //Total GRACS Expense// ||||  ​5040 | 
-|  = //Total Social Events// ||||  ​4420 + 
-|  = //Total GRACS Expense// ||||  ​5160 |+Approved by pes 13 Apr 2017
-Approved by pes 12 Dec 2016 
gracs/budget/budget_2017.1503700030.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/25 17:27 by jthywiss