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gracs:budget:budget_2017 [2017/08/25 17:09]
jthywiss Move 2018 budget to correct page name
gracs:budget:budget_2017 [2017/08/25 17:40] (current)
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-====== ​budget2017-2018 ​====== +====== ​GRACS Expense Budget FY 2017 ======
-<​sub>​{{budget2017-2018.odt|Original file}}</​sub>​+
-GRACS – Graduate Representative Association of Computer Sciences\\ Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Texas at Austin\\ 01 Sep 2017 to 31 Aug 2018 +GRACS – Graduate Representative Association of Computer Sciences\\ ​ 
-|   +Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Texas at Austin\\ ​ 
 +01 Sep 2016 to 31 Aug 2017
-^Activity ​ ^  Expense Types  ^  Date  ^  Participants ​ ^  Cost  ^   +Revised 13 Apr 2017 
-^Academic Events ​               + 
-|Graduate Advice Day   "​Snacks,​Coffee"  ​ ​October 2017  ​|  20  |  80    + Activity ​ ^  Expense Types  ^  Date  ^  Participants ^  Cost  ^ 
-|Graduate Advice Day   "​Snacks,​Coffee"  ​ March 2018  ​|  20  |  80    +^ Academic Events ^^^^^ 
-|New Student Orientation ​2017   "​Venue Rental,Food"  ​ Aug 2018  ​|  30  |  500    +| Graduate Advice Day | Snacks, Coffee | September 2016 |  20 |  80 | 
-|Total Academic Events ​       |    ​|  ​660    +| Graduate Advice Day | Snacks, Coffee | November 2016 |  20 |  80 | 
-^Social Events  ​              +| New student orientation ​2017 | Venue Rental, Food | Aug 2017 |  30 |  500 | 
-|Grad tea time  ​ "​Snacks,Donuts"  ​ ​Weekly  ​ ​40+/​week  ​|  ​3600  ​ 30 weeks @ 120/week +  = //Total Academic Events// ||||    660 | 
-|Cohort Lunch  ​ "​Food,​Soft Drinks"  ​ ​September 2017  ​ ​80  ​ ​450  ​  +Amenities ​^^^^^ 
-|Outdoor Event  ​ "​Snacks, ​Water"  ​ ​September 2017  ​|  ​20  ​|  ​100  ​  +Emergency Care First Aid BoxSanitary Napkins ​| | |  ​30 
-|Event-I   "​Food,Soft Drinks"  ​ ​October 2017  ​|  ​30  ​|  ​220  ​  +  = //Total Amenities// ​||||    ​30 ​| 
-|Evening in Austin-I  ​ "​Snacks,Soft Drinks"  ​ November ​2017  ​|  20  |  100    +^ Social Events ^^^^^ 
-|Evening in Austin-II  ​ "​Snacks,Soft Drinks"  ​ ​February 2018  ​|  20  |  ​100  ​  +Grad tea time | Snacks, ​Donuts ​Weekly ​|  ​40+/​week ​|  ​3300 
-|Event-II  ​ "​Food,Soft Drinks"  ​ March 2018  ​|  30  |  ​220  ​|   +Evening in Austin-I | Snacks, Soft Drinks | September 2016 |  ​20 |  ​100 
-|End of Year Party  ​ "​Food,Soft Drinks"  ​ ​April ​2017  |  50  |  ​500  ​  +| Evening in Austin-II | Snacks, Soft Drinks | November ​2016 |  20 |  100 | 
-|Total Social Events ​          |  ​5290  ​|  ​ +Hike | Snacks, ​Water October 2016 |  20 |  ​50 
-^Total GRACS Expense  ​^    ^    ^    ^  5950  ^  ​+Karaoke Night | Food, Soft Drinks, Equipment Rental ​| March 2017 |  30  200 | 
 +| Board Games/Movie Night | Food, Soft Drinks | April 2017 |  ​|  ​0 | 
 +| End of year party | Food, Soft Drinks | May 2017 |  50 |  ​600 
 + = //Total Social Events// ||||  ​4350 | 
 +|  ​= //Total GRACS Expense// ||||  5040 | 
 +Approved by pes 13 Apr 2017
gracs/budget/budget_2017.1503698950.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/25 17:09 by jthywiss