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business_cards [2019/03/26 13:00]
jthywiss [UT Business cards] Fix broken link
business_cards [2019/09/10 13:22] (current)
jthywiss [E-mail Signature] Update color spec
Line 21: Line 21:
 <code html> <code html>
-<span style="​font-family:​ Arial, '​Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif; color:rgb(90,109,118);"><​b>​FIRST NAME LAST NAME</​b>,​ Graduate Student<​br/>​+<span style="​font-family:​ Arial, '​Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif; color:rgb(51,63,72);"><​b>​FIRST NAME LAST NAME</​b>,​ Graduate Student<​br/>​
 <span style="​color:​rgb(191,​87,​0);">​The University of Texas at Austin</​span>​ | Computer Science | 512-nnn-nnnn |</​span>​ <span style="​color:​rgb(191,​87,​0);">​The University of Texas at Austin</​span>​ | Computer Science | 512-nnn-nnnn |</​span>​
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-The entire thing is Arial, color rgb(90,109,118).  You name is boldface uppercase. ​ "The University of Texas at Austin"​ is color rgb(191,​87,​0).+The entire thing is Arial, color rgb(51,63,72).  You name is boldface uppercase. ​ "The University of Texas at Austin"​ is color rgb(191,​87,​0).
   * Obviously, replace "FIRST NAME LAST NAME" with your name in all capital letters.   * Obviously, replace "FIRST NAME LAST NAME" with your name in all capital letters.
business_cards.1553623259.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/03/26 13:00 by jthywiss